Francisco A. Herranz

From La Mancha and proud citizen of Cuenca, the author hides under his own name his true identity. “Perhaps I have been a simple spectator of your acts, maybe I've had something to do with your joys and your sorrows, or simply I'm just an actor of this Divine Comedy. In any case I am the owner of my time and I hope to be owner of yours at least for the time the reading these pages will take you.

19 de Avril de 2021
"Virus Reload"
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"Virus Reload"
29 de Janvier de 2021
Bullying Time
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Bullying Time
25 de Janvier de 2021
Space Time Riddle
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Space Time Riddle
30 de Décembre de 2020
Area 22
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Area 22
29 de Août de 2016
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