Tests about European Union and its Institutions


Tests about the creation of the European Union and its institutions. Long tests Adapted to the Lisbon Treaty. A work suitable for university students and for those preparing oppositions with the European Union as content.


Test 1. Key dates in the European Union.

Test 2. Community institutions.
Test 3. The European Council.
Test 4. The European Commission.
Test 5. European Parliament.
Test 6. The Economic and Social Committee.
Test 7. The Court of Justice of the European Union.
Test 8. The Council.
EUR 15,34
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Détails du produit:
  • Auteur: José R. Gomis Fuentes
  • État: En vente chez Bubok
  • N° de pages: 150
  • Taille: 108x175
  • Intérieur: Noir et blanc
  • Mise en page: Collé
  • Finition couverture: Brillant
  • Dernière actualisation: 17/02/2016
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