AI to MATTER-REALITY: Art, Architecture & Design
Biodigital Architecture Master
This book is not a simple Midjourney catalogue. It is a book of material science of beauty, or how to create beauty. Inspired by the beauty [...] Voir livre
Written by Alberto T. Estévez, in commemoration of the 15 years of the Biodigital Architecture Master's Degree Program and the Genetic Architectures Research Group & Office, with a selection of the 50 publications and 100 lectures about this subject done around the world during these 15 years.
Escrito por Alberto T. Estévez, en conmemoración de los 15 años del Programa de Máster en Arquitectura Biodigital y del Genetic Architectures Research Group & Office, con una selección de las 50 publicaciones y 100 conferencias sobre estos temas impartidas por el mundo en estos 15 años.