La Folie d'un Rêve 2
Krim Lahsinat

A simple mathematical calculation shows that 25/03/2032 is the day of the end of Malachi's list which ends with the following phrase:"And the Just Judge will judge his people. End."
In this book, I summarize my conclusions which show that this day is Garabandal's punishment, the last secret of Medjugorje, the day of Jesus' Second Coming. I also propose the dates of Garabandal's warning and miracle, the abomination of desolation, the year of the end of the world,... and a calendar of all human history.
The final time has come when secrets must cease to be hidden and sealed (Dn 12:4,9) so that the faithful can prepare themselves with the weapons of the Catholic Holy Faith before the next manifestation of the antichrist and the reconstruction of the New Jerusalem.
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