You- Collection of poems of broken boundaries

No children should lose their dignity, their boundaries, their innocence and their trust. A secret that was so secret that I forgotten it, it was displaced. In my teenage years, I have written several places "I've a secret" without knowing what the secret was because it was displaced. When I debuted sexually, it suddenly came. Everything that was secret and displaced came up without warning and I have been working on it since. This is some of the work, I have been working on, and I hope it can help you.

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Détails du produit:
  • Auteur: Ørnhild Nicholaisen
  • État: En vente chez Bubok
  • N° de pages: 60
  • Taille: 108x175
  • Intérieur: Noir et blanc
  • Mise en page: Collé
  • Finition couverture: Mat
  • Dernière actualisation: 15/03/2018
  • ISBN eBook en PDF: 978-82-303-3845-2
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