Trillion per Pearl

My , Vyachelav Grzhibovskiy , book 'Trillion per Bank' is fantasticated abstraction of The Trillion , The Trillionism , The Trillionacy , The Trillionade , The Trillionosophia , The Trillionologia , The Trillion $ logic , The Trillion Dollars abstractionism , The Trillion $ Summit , The Trillion $ Surrealism . Fantastic Hypothesis-Synthesis Business and The Price , and The Prices are The Quality , and The Price is Data , The Data is Trillion . Reader add escuela Data to trilion and virtualy fill The Price of Real Life in Real Time with poetic Changes in Natural World on Spirit a Synthetic Fantastic World . Trillion $ Poem in Giant numerical Trillion repetitor . 1 Trillion $ USA per one ton of Synthetic Diamonds and equal parameter of 1 microgram of Synthetic Diamonds with price US per microgram .