Flying South
Gonzalo Narvreón

"The men next door" is the second book in the saga "STORIES OF A MARRIED MAN" in which Gonzalo gives us a series of short and wildly hot stories.
In this new book, Gonzalo continues to tell us about his experiences in exploring his bisexuality. Relationships are forged between ordinary men, The man next door, who are fathers of families, without exaggeration, far from any homosexual stereotype, and who live their bisexuality in a hidden way.
Accompanied by the protagonist, many of them will dare to explore their own bisexuality and will finally cross the line so desired, though feared, leaving aside their cover-ups and prejudices.
As he did in "Flying South," the author explicitly relates the experiences lived by Gonzalo. With the intention of not weakening the story's wild character, he uses the ordinary and vulgar language used by the men when speaking or being immersed amid sexual situations, beyond cultural, economic, or social conditions.