BEM - The History of the Brazilian Electronic Music


From beginnings in the unimaginable decade of 1930, passing of prominent years 80s and 90s and finishing in the present days. The Brazilian Electronic Music have now your own history, by LiteraRUA Publisher.


The book BEM - The History of Brazilian Electronic Music to take for the public a complete and objective historical panorama about the personality, techniques, instruments, musical styles, remarkable places of the shows, means of dissemination and trends to compose the mosaic of BEM in a large Brazilian city.  


The reader too will be to present the main artists and characters of the scene electronic musical by means illustrates mini-biographies.


The search, the deepening, the experiences, the looks and hearings it's all by musician, DJ, journalist and now author, Eric Marke that to dedicated big part of your life for the Electronic Music. The book BEM is singular, necessary, intense and urgent.


Fundamental and unpublished work for the memory of the music made by instruments that no have necessarily ropes, wind, leather or pistons. Welcome to the incredible history of the Brazilian Electronic Music.

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Détails du produit:
  • Auteur: ERIC MARKE
  • Taille: 210x297
  • Intérieur: Noir et blanc
  • Mise en page: Agrafage
  • Finition couverture: Brillant
  • État: En vente chez Bubok
  • Dernière actualisation: 13/12/2022
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