Brief relate

"Between Passions and Miracles: Secrets Revealed in Holy Week, and Dialogues of Christ with You" is a fascinating work that immerses us in the heart of Holy Week while unraveling its deepest secrets. Written by Digital Sapientia, this book offers a unique perspective by presenting authentic dialogues between Christ and various characters, including young people through modern platforms such as WhatsApp and Instagram.

The work not only addresses spirituality, but also touches on contemporary issues, connecting with overwhelmed mothers, needy individuals and, in general, with the complexity of the human condition. Digital Sapientia achieves a masterful balance between the antiquity of Holy Week and the modernity of digital communication, providing a unique reading experience that transcends time and space.

Through this work, the author invites us to reflect on everyday life and find peace in the midst of the passions and miracles that surround us. "Between Passions and Miracles" is an inspiring guide that reveals the eternal wisdom of Christ in close and accessible dialogues, reminding us that, no matter the circumstances, there is always a message of hope and love.

Why read this book:

"Between Passions and Miracles: Secrets Revealed in Holy Week, and Dialogues of Christ with You" is a must-read for several compelling reasons. Firstly, the author, Digital Sapientia, offers a unique and contemporary perspective on Holy Week by presenting authentic dialogues between Christ and a variety of characters, including young people through digital platforms such as WhatsApp and Instagram.

This book is especially relevant because it not only explores the spirituality and mysteries of Holy Week, but also addresses modern and pressing issues. By connecting with overwhelmed mothers, needy human beings, and people in everyday situations, the author manages to establish a bridge between antiquity and modern life, offering timeless teachings in a contemporary context.

The work stands out for its ability to resonate with the complexity of the human condition, reminding us that the wisdom of Christ is relevant in all circumstances. Through close and accessible dialogue, the book provides inspiring, thought-provoking guidance and offers a message of hope and love, regardless of the circumstances.

In short, "Between Passions and Miracles" is a work that will not only enrich your understanding of Holy Week, but will also give you a fresh and uplifting perspective on everyday life, making it essential reading for those seeking inspiration and spiritual connection, in the modern world.

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Détails du produit:
  • État: En vente chez Bubok
  • N° de pages: 94
  • Taille: 170x235
  • Intérieur: Noir et blanc
  • Mise en page: Collé
  • Finition couverture: Brillant
  • Dernière actualisation: 04/02/2024
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