The way to Eilean

When Luna goes to spend the summer with her aunt Emma, she discovers that her aunt is a witch with real powers, a descendant of a long line of witches that goes back for centuries.

Emma confesses that for weeks she has felt somebody trying to get into her mind to read her thoughts. Despite having used her most powerful spells against this being, she has not managed to get rid of it. One night, while carrying out a ritual, something goes horribly wrong and Emma falls dead, struck down by a bolt, in front of her niece.

Luna promises to find the being that was tormenting her aunt and avenge her death writing this promise in Emma's Book of Shadows, a book where she wrote down all of her spells. Weeks later, Luna discovers, three new words written under her promise, written in Emma's handwriting, that would turn her world upside down: "I'm not dead".

A story of magic and witchcraft, parallel worlds, adventures and romance... Follow Luna into a world of dragons and hippogryphs, elves and dryads, powerful wizards and dangerous sorcerers. Do you dare to accompany her on her trip to Eilean

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Détails du produit:
  • Auteur: Idaean Halley
  • État: En vente chez Bubok
  • N° de pages: 319
  • Dernière actualisation: 17/02/2016
  • ISBN eBook en ePub: 9781311147929
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